sotos.image-crop module for angular

Demo crop images, put watermark and save

Mobile Demo Download GitHub

Directive for crop images in angular


                <html lang="en">
                <image-crop image-out="imageOut"  crop-options="options" ng-transclude >


         //set the module
         var app = angular.module('app',['sotos.crop-image']);

            //the image to output

            //make the options settings

            $scope.options={};                      // required
            $scope.options.image="image.jpg";       // image for crop required
            $scope.options.viewSizeWidth= 500;      // canvas size default 480
            $scope.options.viewSizeHeight= 500;

            $scope.cropOptions.viewShowRotateBtn= true;   //if rotate tool show default true

            $scope.options.outputImageWidth= 0 ; //output size of image 0 take the size of source image
            $scope.options.outputImageHeight= 0;
            $scope.options.outputImageRatioFixed= true; //keep the ratio of source image
            $scope.options.outputImageType= "jpeg"; //output image type
            //if this check the image crop by the original size off image and no resize
            $scope.options.outputImageSelfSizeCrop= true;

            //show the crop tool use only for crop and crop again one image
            $scope.options.viewShowCropTool= true;

            //this is the watermark if is set the watermark tool
            //show after crop
            //watermark type = text or image
            //set the image
            $scope.options.watermarkImage= null;
            //set text if type is text
            $scope.options.watermarkText= null;
            //settings for the text canvas textfill
            $scope.options.watermarkTextFillColor= 'rgba(0,0, 0, 0.8)'; //color of the letters
            $scope.options.watermarkTextFont= 'Arial'; //font

            //if window is modal

            // $broadcast functions

            // cropImage : crop the image and data fill the imageOut with the image.
            // reload the view with the crop image if watermark is set then watermark tool shows.

             $scope.cropImage= function(){

            // cropImageSave : send the image to the to save the image
            $scope.saveImage= function(){

            // cropImageShow : after crop output the image with the watermark to the imageOut

            $scope.cropImageShow= function(){

Some demos

Image Crop with dbclick or button put watermark text after crop.

Drop Image Here to edit your image
            $scope.options.outputImageType= "png";

            $scope.cropImage= function(){

             $scope.showImage= function(){


Image Out

Image Crop with dbclick or button put watermark image after crop.

Drop Image Here to edit your image

            $scope.showImage= function(){
            $scope.cropImage= function(){

Image Out

full test

Drop Image Here to edit your image
Drop Watermark Image Here
       options: {{options|json}}


Image Out