Pezouvanis Sotiris
I am an electronics technician by profession, with an in-depth knowledge of code writing and its innovative use in Web and App Development.
Russian & Egyptian Multiplication
Multiplication with javascript
Russian & Egyptian Multiplication
Demo mysql data with angular
api RESTful service created with Slim and RedBeanPHP
api RESTful service created with Slim and RedBeanPHP for connection to mysql database is for test for localhost :P the app create automatic tables in mysql database fields in the tables create automatic by selecting type of input in new entry create new table navigate to localhost:8000/#!/{yourtablename}
Angular Weather Forecast
Angular Weather Forecast Directive
angular directive for weather with Skycons and forecast.io
Postal Codes android app
Greek Postal Codes
Search postcodes areas of Greece. With easy search write the street, city, postal code of the first letters or words. eg ATHENS athi It will display the top 50 results of your search.
Adespoto android app
Adespoto - Pet Adoptions
Adespoto.gr was created in 2008 by a group of animal-lovers. A basic part of adespoto.gr are the stray animals' adoption ads as well as found and lost animals' ads, in order to help dogs and cats find their loving home. The adespoto.gr application for mobile phones there is now the ability to find animals in the area of the user and to send an ad from anywhere.
test media gallery
media gallery
media galley android images from my apps
first attempt article live
under construction page
under construction pezouvanis sotiris web site